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BOOST - The method for developing better ideas, faster


How do we come up with great ideas not just by chance, but guaranteed, every time? This question prompted us to develop a modular system of creative tools that let everyone bring control to their brainstorming. The BOOST creative techniques work whether you have ample time or little, as well as for large and small groups. They can be easily adapted to suit your personality, your team and the task at hand.


And the result? Less stress, more fun and better ideas, more quickly and reliably. In this innovation-driven age, ideas are far too valuable for us to leave their creation to chance.

BOOST Seminare
Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas, Imke Jungnitsch, Nina Preuss, BOOST Groupshot
BOOST Seminare, Imke Jungnitsch, Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas, Nina Preuss
Boost Workshop Kreativtechnik

In-house workshops: exclusive and tailor-made


Both our creative techniques and workshops are tailored to meet the individual needs of each team. This lets us cater for every workshop group’s detailed requirements. Another advantage of our BOOST in-house seminars and workshops: the theories we teach can be based on projects that are current in your company. So your team not only takes fresh creative know-how from the course with them, but also a lot of ideas that help immediately the day after.





Idea Turbo &

Creative Culture



With our many years as creative directors and consultants in the communications industry, we’ve not only developed “Idea Turbo” – creative techniques that speed up the generation of ideas. We’ve also learned how important the team, processes, structure and situation are for creative thinking. Or in other words, the “Creative Culture.” We focus on team building with creative tools and optimization of creative processes, in order to (re)establish the joy of collaborative creative work. Creative Culture Coaching helps you and your team turn creative thinking from a tool into the philosophy of your company.

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