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Imke Jungnitsch, BOOST Seminare
Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas, BOOST Seminare

BOOST Creative Direction

BOOST trainers also love developing better ideas faster themselves: book us as creative directors for your project.


The workshop’s over and now you need someone to develop ideas at BOOST speed? An urgent communication project’s pending and your team doesn’t have the time or capacity to come up with ideas themselves?


Then we’d love to take over as your creative fire brigade! In addition to our work as creative trainers, we’ve been working as a freelance creative director team for companies and agencies for many years. And of course, our great strength is  we come up with great ideas quickly.


With our BOOST know-how, we’ll quickly develop a rigorous and above-all creative concept from your brief.


Creative Coaches:

Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas / Imke Jungnitsch


Further details on request

Request BOOST Creative Direction

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