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Mindmap Boost Kreativseminar

BOOST your Ideas

The creative workshop that accelerates brainstorming

– with creative techniques that suit you and your team.


It’s not just the communication industry that’s being challenged to produce better and better ideas in ever less time. The innovation cycle is also spinning faster and faster in other industries. But how can free, creative thinking be reconciled with tight timing? If you control your creativity in a targeted manner, it can be done: with BOOST creative tools.

BOOST creative tools allow you to access your creativity directly. They help you develop ideas faster and have fun doing so.


In the BOOST creative workshop you’ll learn about creative techniques that work for large and small groups, and for projects with plenty of time or next to none. These creative techniques can be easily adapted to suit your personality, your team and the task at hand.


Develop your personal creative strategy with the BOOST idea kit

The BOOST idea kit for brainstorming enables you and your team to develop your own creative strategy, so that you can come up with better ideas, faster. In future, you and your team will be able to approach the brainstorming process confidently and purposefully, with the certainty of always finding a good idea. Even under extreme time pressure.


Establish creative thinking firmly in your everyday life: the Creative Culture concept

Our Creative Culture Coaching helps you and your team (re)establish the joy of collaborative creative work. Creative thinking turns from being just a tool into the philosophy of your team.


The seminar alternates between input and output phases. After the workshop, each participant receives a summary of the content and the creative results.



·       Creative control

·       Creativity and efficiency

·       Innovative creative techniques

·       Constructive idea evaluation

·       Idea optimization

·       Idea finalization

·       The BOOST idea kit

·       Presentation of ideas

·       Your Creative Culture concept


Duration: 1-2 days, depending on the content and agreement


Creative Coaches:

Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas / Imke Jungnitsch


Further details on request

​“Everyone has ideas.

Usually an unbelievable number of them.

But they're often stuck deep inside."

"A good idea stirs the gut, touches the heart and occupies the mind."

Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas Imke Jungnitsch BOOST
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"BOOST your Ideas"

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We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your BOOST team.

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